Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 02:04:58 -0500
From: Andrew J. Spallek
Author Philip Sugden casts considerable doubt on the validity of including Liz Stride as a genuine Ripper victim. Most people interpret the events so that JTR was interrupted just after cutting Stride's throat and before he could mutilate her. That is why he felt compelled to kill again that night. I have wondered about another possibility. Has anyone ever noticed the similarity in the names Elizabeth Long and "Long Liz" Stride? Elizabeth Long was a witness who possibly saw the Ripper (she said from behind) just before the murder of Chapman. What if JTR had thought that she could identify him. Perhaps Long's claim that she could not was out of fear. Perhaps she did really see his face and he saw hers (her description was quite detailed). Then perhaps JTR stalked Long and attempted to murder her in order to protect himself. Only, he confused "Long Liz" with Elizabeth Long. This might explain why Stride was not mutilated, as the Ripper was killing for a different and more rational reason than usual. Note also the similarity in their addresses: Long at 32 Church St. and Stride at 32 Flower and Dean. Was Stride a Ripper victim, but a case of "mistaken identity" on his part?
None of the 3 sources I have at home (Sugden, Fido, and Evans & Gainey) mention Long's age. There is, however, some confusion about her name -- it is sometimes reported as "Durrrell" or "Darrell." Fido, in Crimes, Detection & Death of JTR notes the confusion and procedes to call her "Durrell." Sugden does mention the confusion and calls her "Long" throughout. Of course, such confusion was commonplace due to the practice of common law marriages in the East End. Sugden also notes confusion about Long's address. In addition to the generally accepted 32 Church St., there is given 3 Church Row (Whitechapel), and 198 Church Row (Whitechapel). Swanson gave 32 Church St. as the address. There were "Church Streets" in Bethnal Green, Minories, and Spitalfields. there was also a "Church Lane" in Whitechapel. None of these have addresses that go as high as 198, however. They all go at least as high as 32. In fairness, I note that although the addresses of Long and Stride are similar, the former lived in some sort of home while the latter slept in a common lodging house.
The only description I can find of Long at the moment is that she was a market worker and was married to a cart minder. It could have been an somewhat elderly couple or a younger couple. It would be interesting to find a description of her.
From: Dianne Nichol
Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 21:13:05 -0400
Would anyone happen to know the exact birth date of Annie Chapman? I know that it is in September.
Date: Mon, 03 Jun 96 11:25:13 -0700
From: Kent Conwell
Some sources report Martha Tabram was stabbed thirty-nine times. In Sugden's book on page 17, the autopsy report accounts for only twenty-two. Is there anyone who can explain the discrepency?
From: adam.wood@dm.krinfo.ch
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 09:18:47 -0400
Another problem for me in accepting Stride as a victim is that I find it hard to believe that if Jack was disturbed before carrying out the mutilations he simply went and found another victim.
Surely he would have got the hell out of the area after coming that close to being caught?
Maybe Mitre Square was on his way home!
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